Monday, August 14, 2006

Our Cutie Pie - Looking back ....

When I look at Rachel now and see her on a daily basis, two things really strike me from her update from China that we received with her referral information. First, it said she had a ready smile that would bring us much joy and happiness. I can certainly vouch for that; she smiles constantly and grins showing us her 4 beautiful teeth. Alex has affectionately started referring to her as "Beaver" ;-) Secondly, it described Rachel as having many facial expressions. I have never seen a child make so many adorable faces and show such expression. It really makes us feel good to know that Rachel's caregivers really noticed Rachel and what was special about her.

Sisterly Love and Sunglasses

I came downstairs the other day and found Audrey had put her heart shaped sunglasses on Rachel and Audrey had on her Dora glasses. I of course immediately ran and grabbed the camera and took these priceless pics !

Swim Trip with the Girls Last Week

Last Tuesday I ventured down to our neighborhood pool with the girls. I think it took us longer to get ready than the time we actually spent at the pool. What is humorous is that Rachel decided it was nap time so she took a bottle and passed out when we got there. Audrey and I let Rachel sleep in her stroller while we went swimming for about 1.5 hours. Eventually we will get Rachel in the pool ! ;-)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Pictures of Rachel at Xiushan orphanage between Referral and Travel

The pictures above were taken by the staff at Xiushan SWI with the disposable camera we sent with Rachel's carepackage after we received her referral. There were quite a few photos but I will just post a couple here now. I will post more on (see link on right for Audrey and Rachel Pics) tomorrow or I may post one or two more here.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Picture of Alex, Audrey and Rachel and cousin Matthew our 2nd day home from China

I love this picture so I'm ashamed that I had not posted it before now.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

This is going to be one of those posts where I have to post just because I want to remember things.

Today was the first day I took Audrey and Rachel to the grocery together and it was a hoot. At our Bi-Lo they have Racecar shopping carts that seat two so I put Rachel and Audrey in one. I was a little concerned that Rachel might be a bit young for it but it had a strap to hold her in so I said why not ;-)? Anyway, Rachel absolutely loved it and kept grinning the whole time we were there. Audrey was wonderful and even kept putting her arm around Rachel and acting protective. They must have looked cute because the ladies from the deli came out and brought them cookies lol !

Also, Audrey has turned into a mother hen and a mommy's helper. She helped me make Spaghetti and cookies this week and tonight she helped me give Rachel a bath. She also is always eager to help me gather supplies for messy diaper changings etc. One time this week we had a very stinky, messy diaper and Audrey started gagging. I kept telling her to leave if it was making her sick but she insisted I needed her help lol.

Today a woman from Tennessee dept. of Education came by to talk to me about Rachels developmental progress. My pediatrician recommended I let her give them a referral so they could check out Rachel for us and see if she needed any help catching up. I am happy to report that the woman that evaluated her was very pleased with her progress and she didn't think we needed a referral because Rachel is exhibiting all the signs that she is progressing and should progress normally even though she is still a little behind. It is absolutely amazing the progress she has made just in the past two weeks we've been home. She has went from eating no solids to now eating just about any baby food we give her, oatmeal, rice cereal and cheerios. She has went from not even being able to sit up by herself to sitting up by herself well, pulling herself all over the place with her upper body and she is now bringing her back legs up trying to crawl. She is also starting to transition so that she can go from a lying down position to sitting which is neat to watch.

I don't want to neglect to mention that over the past week Rachel has started saying Mama when she needs me and needless to say I come running whenever she says it. I am amazed that she is already saying it !

Rachel is also really becoming vocal and making all kinds of entertaining baby talk.

Audrey and Rachel are still sleeping in the same room and so far it has worked out really well. I put them to bed at the same time and I let Rachel sit in my lap while I read Audrey her bedtime story and Rachel loves it. Actually I think Rachel just likes getting to sit on the "dreamcastle" bed the most ;-) After storytime I put Rachel in her crib and she goes to sleep no problem as does Audrey. I keep wondering how long this will last. I will say that Rachel did cry some for the first week when we put her in her crib but the 2nd week I made her sleep in the crib and didn't take her out if she cried the first few minutes and now she doesn't even bother to cry when she knows it is bedtime, she goes right to sleep. We are truly blessed .....