Monday, August 07, 2006

Pictures of Rachel at Xiushan orphanage between Referral and Travel

The pictures above were taken by the staff at Xiushan SWI with the disposable camera we sent with Rachel's carepackage after we received her referral. There were quite a few photos but I will just post a couple here now. I will post more on (see link on right for Audrey and Rachel Pics) tomorrow or I may post one or two more here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just found your photos, 10 years after we adopted! My daughter Olivia is in the crib behind. Her sister Alicia is in the crib to the right out of the frame! WE also recognize another two of our "China sisters" on the floor with your daughter. I have almost the identical photo!

WE live near Vancouver Canada. Now I can put more names on the orphange photos!
I will try to contact you. G. Lai