Tuesday, July 11, 2006

We've got our Girl !

We received Rachel Victoria Xiu Hanna just as scheduled at approximately 2:35 PM Monday 7/10/06. Rachel was so calm and happy about our first meeting and she just grinned and smiled the whole time. She is very easygoing and eventempered just like her update stated. She came right to me, Alex and Nai Nai and Papa too. She just seemed intrigued with all of us and very curious as opposed to being afraid in any way. It is obvious to all of us that she has been well taken care of and given alot of love. Rachel is also just as big as her update stated. She is definitely a very cute and chubby baby ! ;-)
In the evening Rachel had a tougher time and was a little fussy with a few crying bouts. She has since come down with an upper respiratory infection which we are about to start treating with amoxicillin. Big sister Audrey slept through the entire Gotcha Day process and then was cross with us when she woke up and said "You went and got baby Rachel without me !" lol. The first day we had Rachel, Audrey did really well and even the next morning but since then there have been some akward moments and Audrey is definitely a little distressed about the attention Mommy and daddy are giving Rachel vs. her.
We are all doing amazingly well and Audrey and Rachel are now sleeping through the night. (the first 2 nights before Rachel came, Audrey was waking up at 2 and 3am and we were having trouble getting her on China time). Audrey is also sick with a cold but she's being a trooper about it. As soon as we know more I will try to post, but for now we will just leave you with a few pictures.


Becky said...

FINALLY!!!! Awesome news and great pics! I can't wait to meet Rachel!


Tamara said...

Oh Michelle, she is absolutely beautiful. How wonderful. I just want to reach out and hug her too, it makes the waiting for my referral that much harder (but I am still hopeful I will recieve it this month!) Congrats!

Carla P said...

WOW! I had a little "God whisper" this afternoon, ran downstairs to check your blog...YIPPEEE!

Hope to connect with you all while we are in KY. We arrive on the 14th and leave on the 18th of Aug...surely you'll be making a trip to E-town!

Carla, et.al.