Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Confusing Referral Rumors

We are LID 6/14/05 and the past couple months have been extremely painstaking. Currently, one person says they are LID 6/15/05 and have been told by their In-China travel agency they won't get their referral until next month. Another person LID 6/13/05 was told by BLAS they would get their referral this month. So my question is what about 6/14/05 ! ! ! ;-) Basically we have no idea if we will receive Rachel's referral the end of May or end of June. I have been really optimistic that it would be end of May but lately with many different rumors floating around, I am completely confused..... Oh, I left out one rumor that the referral cutoff should be around June 20th. I really hope the last rumor is true.

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