The past couple months have been crazy to say the least, but I'll try to do a little catching up. First, Audrey and Rachel are doing great and growing up way too fast. Rachel is finally starting to talk albeit a little slower than we would like. Just in the past month she has finally been able to say her name. She can say "I want that " of course lol. She says' "I eat", "that my momma", whenever she feels Audrey is getting too much attention. "Breakfast Bar" and many others. We've decided that Rachel is learning to talk on a "need to" basis. She never says anything without a purpose for saying it ............... and then there is the big sister who talks continuously 24/7 regardless of whether there is a need to communicate anything at all lol. It is no wonder Rachels speech has been a little slow in developing ;-)
There are so many funny things the girls do these days if only I could remember them all. Of course the one today is still fresh in my mind so I"ll share it. We were in the kitchen earlier this afternoon and I hear Audrey yell "No Rachel, Mom Look, she thinks it's Chapstick !" I turned around and Rachel was coating her lips real good with a glue stick sigh lol. I can only laugh now because it was made for kids and non-toxic of course. I was able to wash it off promptly too. It did teach me to be a little more careful about where I leave such items !
The other day Audrey was playing with one of her toy horses and she said it was a girl horse. I asked her how she knew it was a girl and she said emphatically "Because she has eyebrows". I was like "who knew" ;-) lol....
We tried potty training with Rachel in mid December and it was definitely a bust. Rachel had been holding it quite a bit in her pullup but for some reason when we put her in panties, she became a mad peeing machine. That girl went through 6 pairs of panties in 90 minutes and I'm not exaggerating. Needless to say that ended potty training 101 for a while. We are now in the phase of I want to use the potty whenever I feel like it but I will still pee in my pullup and I won't poop on the potty to save my life ! What is up with the fear of pooping on the potty I ask???? I've talked to so many moms and this seems to be a big issue. Ok, enough about potty training. It's bad enough to have to do it, much less write about it haha.
On to the paperchase ....... The paperchase for Liu Lei, soon to be known as Paul Lei Price Hanna has been exhausting to say the least. We are still waiting on the I-171H and have been for over 8 weeks. I called our congressman a week and a half ago and they called Memphis USCIS last week and were told it will still be 2 weeks before we have it. This makes the time from our homestudy and prints being received till we receive the I-171H 10 weeks which is insane. Long story short, we will probably end up DTC mid February and travel late June or early July.
As far as the remodel goes, its almost over and thank goodness ! Don't ever stay in your house while your kitchen is being remodeled with two sick kids and a husband out of town on business the whole week. It wasn't pretty and that's all I"ll say about that lol !
Lastly, make sure to watch the video clip I posted. My favorite part is where Rachel mimicks Audrey and says "Nai Nai and Papa" with the most serious southern draw you ever heard ;-)
My apologies that I rarely post, but I am going to try to do better, especially now that the holidays are over and this crazy remodel is too !