Rachel's First BirthdayRachel's first birthday has come and gone. It's hard to believe that she is a year old already ! We just wish she could have enjoyed her birthday more. She is currently in the middle of a nasty bout of teething and cranky would be an understatement for her temperament the past couple days. I went ahead and made her a batch of White cupcakes with strawberry frosting (big sisters suggestion ;-)) . Rachel liked seeing the cupcake and the burning candle but wouldn't even try a bite of her cupcake. Needless to say the rest of us didn't have a problem with the eating them ! Rachel is doing great other than her teething. She is waving bye bye and trying to say it. She is saying mama and dada. She is pulling up on everything and trying to walk so it won't be long until she is. Here is a picture of Rachel with her Birthday cupcake. I'll post more as soon as I can.
What's New ? and Yes I'm ashamed I haven't posted in a month !I am quite happy to report that we have settled in amazingly well and we actually have somewhat of a routine. Audrey and Rachel are truly sisters and have that wonderful love/hate relationship already. Audrey definitely has her moments when she is not very nice to baby sister but for the most part we are really proud of her and she seems to be enjoying having a sister more than not. Rachel has been a really easy baby and we just can't believe it ! Or, maybe Audrey was just such a difficult baby that any other baby seems easy hehe. Regardless, we love both of them for who they are and not how much trouble they are ;-)Developmentally Rachel is doing wonderfully and she is now pulling up on all our furniture and standing. It' s so hard to believe that a month and a half ago, she wasn't even that steady sitting up. Audrey is doing awesome too. Although she is killing us on a daily basis with her pleas for independence and her temperamental moodiness, she is the light of our lives. She just started gymnastics and has her 2nd lesson tomorrow so we are excited about that. So far Audrey just loves it and she can't wait to go back. We are also doing MOPS again and it has been a Godsend for me. Audrey and Rachel have wonderful caregivers while we meet and the moms there are the best. I can't say enough good things about the program!Our house is messy and I can't keep up with the stickiness or the laundry but we are happy anyway ;-)Last, but not least, and Becky if your out there, don't post about this lol ! I reactivated our family website again so I could post videos/slideshows etc on a larger scale and post more pictures without worrying about space. So, once again, you can click on the link on the right to go to http://audreyandrachel.com . I no longer have dropshots.com since that was just for video and pics. I promise I'm going to quit playing musical websites haha ;-) Please do go to http://audreyandrachel.com though and go to the videos tab and you can view the slideshow I made the other day with some of the pictures since we've been home with Rachel. The ones taken at the playground were just taken a few days ago. I'll try to post more frequently as I'm able and hopefully I'll be able to make some videos or slideshows with our pictures and footage from our China trip.